It is the objective of Athlon Plumbing to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all staff and contractors who are involved in the business services and products.
We achieve this by:
- Monitoring all aspects of health and safety
- By making OH&S very important within the business quality system
- By providing financial resources to OH&S
- By providing management resources to OH&S
- Test and tag all electrical equipment
- Advising staff on manual handling
- Management will show excellent safety and health leadership
- Providing training to all staff and contractors
- Providing well-maintained and safe equipment
- Investigate all hazards and incidents
- Have PPE to all staff and contractors
- Regard all Occupational Health and Safety accidents as preventable
- Provide information on chemicals, MSDS
- Test and tag all electrical equipment
- Maintain a high consultative level of communication with staff
- Providing a rehabilitation program following an injury with the aim of returning employees to pre-injury employment wherever possible
- Reviewing every 12 months the effectiveness of the OH&S plan
Athlon Plumbing is always committed to the ongoing implementation of the policy and it’s safety plan, and will always monitor, audit and review the effectiveness of these policies.